Kviečiame visus į “Saulės” mokyklos vaikų pasirodymą! | You Are Invited to Saulė School’s Children’s Performance

Children from the Lithuanian School Saulė


Kviečiame visus benduomenės narius į kasmetinį Atlantos lituanistinės mokyklos “Saulė” mokinių pasirodymą ir parodą lapkričio 23d. 1 val. p.p.

Renginys įvyks Šv. Onos katalikų bažnyčioje Donnellan salėje (4905 Roswell Rd, Marietta, GA 30062).Ateikite ir susipažinkite su mokyklos veikla bei palaikykite “Saulės” mokinukus!

You are cordially invited to the annual performance and art show by the children of the Atlanta Lithuanian School “Saulė”.

The event will take place at St. Ann’s Catholic Church (4905 Roswell Rd, Marietta, GA 30062) at the Donnellan Café on November 23rd at 1pm.

Please join us to see what the school has to offer and to support our young students!

Lietuvos Respublikos Konsulinė misija Atlantoje/ Lithuanian Consular Mission in Atlanta

Lithuanian passport


Registruotis galima iki 2019 m. lapkričio 15 d.

2019 m. lapkričio 24 dieną (sekmadienį) Lietuvos Respublikos generalinis konsulatas Niujorke rengia konsulinių pareigūnų išvykstamąją misiją  – Atlantoje (Džordžijos Valstija, JAV).

Atlantoje aptarnavimas vyks Lietuvos Respublikos garbės konsulate Atlantoje, adresu 1202 Lexham Dr., Marietta, Džordžija, 30068.

Konsulinės misijos metu bus priimami Lietuvos Respublikos piliečių prašymai dėl pasų keitimo ir išdavimo, užsienyje registruotų civilinės būklės aktų (santuokos, ištuokos, gimimo) įtraukimo į apskaitą Lietuvoje ir dėl gyvenamosios vietos deklaravimo, bus išduodamos pažymos, patvirtinančios, kad asmuo yra gyvas ir yra tam tikroje vietovėje (pažymos „Sodrai“). Taip pat bus priimami prašymai dėl Lietuvos Respublikos pilietybės atkūrimo.

Prašome užsiregistruoti dėl konsulinių paslaugų el. paštu konsuline.misija.ny@urm.lt iki lapkričio 15 d., o kilus klausimams skambinti į Lietuvos Respublikos generalinį konsulatą Niujorke tel.: + 1 212 354 7840.

Registruojantis prašome pateikti šią informaciją:

  • Vardas ir pavardė – tiksliai kaip LR pase + nauja pavardė, jei skirtinga nei LR pase (parašykite visus šeimos narius, kuriems reikia konsulinių paslaugų);
  • Asmens kodas (arba tiksli gimimo data, jei žmogus dar neturi suteikto asmens kodo);
  • Kontaktinė informacija (telefono nr., elektroninio pašto adresas);
  • Dėl kokių konsulinių paslaugų norima kreiptis;
  • Pageidaujama priėmimo diena ir laikas.

Detalią informaciją apie konsulines misijas rasite Lietuvos Respublikos generalinio konsulato Niujorke svetainėje:

https://ny.mfa.lt (prie skilties „Konsulinė informacija“ – „Konsulinės misijos“)


Registration Deadline:  November 15, 2019

The Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania in New York is organizing a consular mission in Atlanta, Georgia on Sunday, November 24,  2019 at the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Lithuania in Atlanta, 1202 Lexham Dr., Marietta, Georgia 30068.

The consular mission will accept applications from citizens of the Republic of Lithuania to renew existing or issue new passports, to record foreign-registered civil status changes (marriage, divorce, birth, etc.), to update residence information, and Lithuanian Social Security (Sodra) certificates. Applications for the restoration of citizenship to the Republic of Lithuania will also be accepted.

Please register for consular services by email to konsuline.misija.ny@urm.lt until November 15, and if you have any questions, call the Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania in New York at + 1 212 354 7840.

When registering, please provide the following information:

  • First and last name – exactly as in the passport + new last name if different from the Lithuanian passport (write all family members who need consular services);
  • Personal identification number (or the exact date of birth if the person does not already have a personal identification number);
  • Contact information (phone, e-mail);
  • What kind of consular service is requested;
  • Preferred date and time of admission.


Detailed information on consular missions can be found on the website of the Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania in New York: https://ny.mfa.lt (under “Consular information” – “Consular missions”)

Tomas Varnagiris ir Česlovas Gabalis Atlantoje!

Tomas Varnagiris ir Česlovas Gabalis Atlantoje! Spalio 4 d. , 19:30, City of Light Saleje.

Vienas iš geraiusių Lietuvos gitaristų Tomas Varnagiris ir roko muzikos atlikėjas Česlovas Gabalis Atlantoje! Kviečiam!

Bilietų kaina $30, vaikams (16 metų ir jaunesni ) $15. Tomas Varnagiris ir Česlovas Gabalis Atlantoje! Tomas Varnagiris and Česlovas Gabalis in Atlanta!  October 4th, 7:30 pm at City of Light Hall.

Two of the best Lithuanian performers:  Rock guitarist Tomas Varnagiris and Rock legend Česlovas Gabalis come to Atlanta.  You are invited!

Ticket price: $30 for adults, $15 for kids 16 and under






30th anniversary of the Baltic Way in Atlanta

Please join Atlanta Lithuanians , Estonians, Latvians and their friends to commemorate this special historical event. On Saturday, August 24th, we will gather on the top of the Stone Mountain (Directions: 1000 Robert E. Lee Blvd Stone Mountain, GA 30083, www.stonemountainpark.com ) to join hands to reenact a human chain that happened in three Baltic states 30 years ago. Please bring your national flags and dress in national colors. Will take some nice pictures.

At 3:30pm – we will meet at Walk-up trail Parking Lot, before walking-up the mountain on foot.
Between 5 and 6pm – symbolic human chain reenactment on the top of the Stone Mountain.

Around 6:45pm we will gather for a picnic on the Memorial lawn in front of the Stone Mountain monument. Please bring your own food and refreshments. Admission to our event is free. There is a fee to enter the Stone Mountain Park.

It will be a special, memorable event! Don’t miss it!

Atlanta Lithuanian-American Community

Date: Saturday, August 24, beginning at 3:30pm. Stone Mountain Park (1000 Robert E. Lee Blvd Stone Mountain, GA 30083, www.stonemountainpark.com) .
Wear national colors / T-shirts

3:00-3:30 some participants leave blankets at Memorial lawn to reserve the spot
3:30-4pm gathering at a Walk-up trail Parking Lot. (see Map: A) Near wending machines. Coordinate, inform participants about details, Event coordinators & this timeline.
4-5pm Climb up the mountain on foot.
5-6pm On the top of the Mountain
– 5pm- gather at Center point (see Map: B)
– form the line, 1/2 of people walk West, 1/2 of people walk East (see Map)
– stand in line facing North-East (down from the Mountain OR towards Atlanta downtown)
– 5:15-5:20 Stand in human chain holding hand, only designated photographers take pictures during this time
– 5:20-5:35 Relax, walk, talk to other participants, talk to bystanders, invite to join us, take your own, group pictures, etc.
– 5:35-5:40 Stand in human chain again, holding hands, for a second time.
If arriving late by foot – join the line at West end, if arriving late by cable car – join line at the East end
– 5:40-6:00 Before descending gather together at the West end of the line for some talks and singing
6-6:45 walk down the trail of the Mountain
6:45-8:30, Picnic on the Memorial Lawn (see Map: C).
(possibly staying longer, as per personal choice)
(FYI: Sun sets at 8:35pm, Cable lift operates until 8:00pm. Laser show starts at 9:30).

Suggestion for the picnic on Memorial Lawn:
– bring folding chairs and/or beach blankets
– bring cooler with food and refreshments. No organized food will be provided.
– no grills nearby in this area
– consider bringing some beach umbrellas, or similar, for shade.
– there are things to do at Stone Mountain

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Website of Lithuanian Americans in Atlanta